Tuesday, September 11, 2012


People in China love Hot Pot. It’s a very traditional meal where people sit around pots of boiling broth and are served raw meats and vegetables. They then proceed to dump things in the spiced broths and cook them as they wish.  I might compare it to what some people call fondue.
I have already had two experiences with this sort of gathering, and all I can say is that they can be pretty fun. Groups sitting around each other being completely immersed in what they are eating only leads to great quality time. The fact that the food is good does not hurt either.

When talking to some of my Chinese classmates of where I should go eat, somehow, Hot Pot always comes into the conversation. Although I am not as into the flavors of the food as they are, I can see why it is so attractive to them. I can honestly say that it bonds you with the people that you are with, and it makes for a very casual meal. I was in a very fancy Hot Pot restaurant recently, but because of the style of meal, it felt very informal and friendly. On top of that, all my friends say that this dish grows in popularity during the wintertime. This makes sense, since sitting around boiling pots of broth is sure to make you warm.
I am glad I got to be part of a meal such as this, and although I can’t say that it is the best food I have ever had, the experience was one of my favorite ways of becoming friends with those around me, especially since it is considered so cultural.

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